26 Mart 2019 Salı

Wiki Means Fast in Hawaiian But Let's Not Move That Fast

What's a WIKI?

WIKI is a service where you can reach information and whoever visits that WIKI can edit and view it.

Here's the WIKI I created... It's about one of my favourite book which is "The Museum of Innocence" from a Turkish writer named Orhan Pamuk.

and if you want to explore more WIKI's here are some... (you can go to the wikis by clicking their logos) 

19 Mart 2019 Salı

Technology Brings Great Learning Opportunities

 I think using technology while teaching is really helpful when we use it in the correct way. When we use the technology we can visualize what we are talking about more effectively. We can use videos or audios for students who understand better while listening. There are plenty of other choices to use it in the field of education efficiently. When technology used in the classroom students feel more curious or interested in the subject they are learning. Why? Because for most people it makes it more fun. The students also learn at their own pace and revise it as many times as they want. It also benefits teachers. It can help improve teaching. Getting away from traditional teaching methods wouldn’t hurt right? Different things gain attention so that's why it can be preferred.

 I can hear you saying “But aren’t there any disadvantages? You only praised it so far.” Yes, there are. For example, there are tons of sources that give you the wrong information. If you fully trust those then your learning would be defective. Another disadvantage is that the technology might isolate the student from the outside. When they are focusing deeply on the material the teacher might have a hard time to gain their attention back.

 As an english teacher candidate I would definitely use technology while teaching. At least from my experiences as a student, the lessons that I love the most or understand the most were the lessons where technology was used effectively. I wouldn’t completely abandon traditional teaching methods because I think it would be too early for that. Yet, the future hides more technological developments and better educational opportunities for the next generations.

The Key Is Smiling :)

In this podcast, you can listen to me speaking about my aspect of improving the world.

I really enjoyed the process of recording this podcast. I have many bloopers saved :D The most difficult part for me was forgetting what I'm going to say and freezing. I feel like podcasting is useful because it's more student-centred. When we use it in class and make the students create their own podcast and share it, they can listen to their classmates' podcasts and learn from each other. I might use podcasting according to the class I teach in the future. Because it's not a common way of learning and people love different things they arouse their curiosity. Shoutout to my future-self if you give your students a task like that please also request one of their bloopers it'll be fun to listen to them.

12 Mart 2019 Salı

A Little Peek on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning)

It's basically benefiting from the computer in the process of teaching and learning. CALL can be sorted in three phases which are;
  • Behaviouristic CALL
> First form of CALL
> Based on the Behaviouristic Learning Model
  • Communicative CALL
> It's based on the Communicative Approach to teaching.
  • Integrative CALL
> The most recent stage of CALL.
> Criticises Communicative CALL.
> Using technology more fully in language teaching. 

21st Century Learning? What Does That Even Mean? Let's LEARN!

First things first the image you see is called a word cloud. In this word cloud, I sprinkled some of the keywords from our topic which is called "21st Century Learning". Now I'd like to have a few words about this topic. Let's first start with 4C's for 21st Century Learning Skills.

What are the 4C's? 
  • Critical Thinking >>> Refers to students abilities like analyzing, evaluating, making decisions and solving problems.
  • Communication >>> Refers to students ability to share their thoughts and information they learned clearly. 
  • Collaboration >>> Refers to students ability to collaborate with others.
  • Creativity >>> Abilities that trigger creativity such as brainstorming, refining ideas etc.
These are the fundamental skills for students to be successful in their work environment and their life. 

As you can see 21st Century Learning Skills aims to teach from life and experience rather than focusing on the structure, unlike the old ones. For example in the past students used to focus on grammar but now they learn to use the language.

If you want to get further information about this topic here's a video for you so you can travel to the depths of the sea of knowledge! >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXT2STtm_54 <<<

10 Mart 2019 Pazar

A Very Welcoming Post For The Reader

The lovely people of planet earth I welcome you to my blog!

 Let me briefly introduce myself before starting our journey. I'm Gamze Arslan and I'm an ELT student at Marmara University. It's my second year. I can hear you asking "Why did you create this blog Gamze?" let me give you the answer... For our second year in ELT, there is a course called "Instructional Technologies and Material Design" and we are supposed to create these blogs. I've always wanted to write a blog so maybe that's a start for me. I'm really excited to share my experiences in this course. Stay on track.

        It's been a while since my last post but dear readers, I've decided to make a comeback . I'll be coming back with mo...